This Is Why Your Loved One Needs Home Care After A Fall
Taking care of an elderly loved one can be difficult, especially if they're fiercely independent. In cases like these, putting a loved one into a care facility is downright impossible, but that doesn't mean that they can go back to living all on their own. After they've had a fall, it's extremely important to make sure that they have someone caring for them at all times. Here's why.
Fall Risk
Falling as an older person is dangerous for a lot of reasons, but you might think that after one fall, they'd be less likely to fall again. That's actually not the case, however. The CDC says that someone who has fallen is twice as likely to fall again. While your loved one might be more mindful of falling, that doesn't change the fact that their body has been through a traumatic injury that could make them more susceptible to getting hurt all over again. Unfortunately, that second fall might also be more dangerous.
Brittle Bones
Elderly folks tend to have bones that are more brittle than the bones of healthy young adults. This is simply because bones become less dense as people age. Some older people will also develop osteoporosis, which is a special condition that leads to bones becoming thinner and more brittle.
Unfortunately, bone injuries are a big deal for the elderly. No one wants to break a bone, of course, but when it comes to the elderly, certain types of fractures can become absolutely lethal.
Elderly people are actually at a higher risk of dying overall after experiencing a hip fracture than those who haven't had a hip fracture, and this risk can last for up to ten years. Needless to say, your loved one may be needing help for some time.
Brain Injury
Finally, consider the risk of your loved one experiencing a brain injury in a fall. This is more common than you might think. Head injuries in the elderly are particularly dangerous, as they can turn into traumatic brain injuries. Falls are one of the leading causes for head injuries in elderly adults, and with 80,000 head injuries showing up in hospitals per year, the risk is real.
You can't be there for your elderly loved one every moment of the day and night, but a caregiver can. Don't risk letting your loved one get hurt all over again, potentially worse than before. Get them the help they need in their own home so they can remain independent while still being safe. Contact a company that offers elderly home care services to learn more.